Every one of us deserves to be in fulfilling relationships. And everyone can learn how. With some effort, guidance, and support from this potent little book, you can have the relationships you’ve longed for.
Tend Your Own Garden gives you simple and clear ‘rules of engagement’ and myth-busting wisdom that will become second nature quickly and easily, and have you feeling centered as the star of your own life rather than a sidekick in someone else’s.
The simple but powerful messages in Tend Your Own Garden will have you feeling confident about who you are, what you want, and what to look for in a partner. You’ll be better equipped to trust your own inner knowing, set boundaries, and feel free to make informed decisions about who you spend your time with. You’ll ultimately be able to choose a wonderful and well-matched partner for your Self.
TEND YOUR OWN GARDEN - "How To Get Into A Great Relationship" Book
I'm surprised I loved this book so much. Not for any other reason than my own expectation of what a "small" book would or would not contain. But just as promised, this read is definitely "potent"—
- in its willingness to take on complex subject matter
- in its ability to untangle the truth about ourselves
- in its refreshing way of looking at relationships in a healthy and edifying way.
I've been married for thirty-nine years and still I found myself re-reading line after line; simple, loving guidance said and seen in fresh ways.
Buy this one for yourself. And then for your teenagers and adult children...and their mates.
Thank you, Shane, for being brave enough to share your journey and for writing from the heart.JANENE KRAFT, SANCTUARY LIVING, NAPA, CA
I liked this book because it gave suggestions for finding and making a relationship work. It was written in a clear and concise way with a path to navigate the sometimes difficult relationship world. The author gives good advice about making sure you have “tended your own garden”, in other words, take good care of yourself and what you need, before you launch into trying to add another element to “your garden”. I liked that analogy. She has laid out a path with suggestions that can lead you into a beautiful life garden. She gives us examples from her own life and I loved how her voice seems to be telling you these things as though you where there talking to her. I think this is a great book to read for those seeking a better relationship and the truth is, these steps can help with many things we want to accomplish in life.