Women carry the privilege as well as the unfathomable responsibility of bringing forth, developing and sustaining the most magnificent, complex, miraculous creation of all… the Human Being. Inherent within every female is the universal empowerment and unwavering trust bestowed to fulfill this ordained authority. These virtues are intrinsic within all women and charter our capacity to fulfill what is required to gestate creation of this magnitude, as well as to navigate its successful nurturance with precise skill and aptitude. It doesn't matter if a woman chooses to give birth or not. This aptitude is her noble endowment.
The magnitude of commitment required of every woman who gives birth is beyond any commitment or engagement or any other form of creativity that exists in any sector of society, education, industry, sports, entertainment, technology, science, etc… We hold the very life blood of humanity in our bodies, wombs, hearts and hands. There is not one human being who can arrive on this planet without coming through the physical body of a woman. There is no other life experience that even brushes the skirt of the lifelong, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual commitment of giving birth.
It is one thing to be ordained human to human…via a minister or priest, for example. It’s completely another to be inherently ordained by the nature of Life itself. I speak of an unparalleled, unrivaled natural ordination that endows women as bringers of and stewards of human life on this planet, and extends this nobility to every Being we birth. Make no mistake, this noble life lineage comes through the women of this planet to each and every Being. As women, it’s time to take our rightful place, to embrace, to step into and embody our sacred nobility.
It’s incomprehensible that the nobility of females and their value to humanity is perversely squandered, belittled and dismissed. Rather than humanity protecting and revering girls and women as the Divine bearers of every human life walking this planet, the feminine aspects of life are marginalized, sexualized, thwarted, and even violently attacked. This emotional, mental and spiritual misappropriation of power and respect within our beloved human family has created a systemic illness within the human race. It’s a heartbreak, existing within the Souls of everyone, that is unnecessary and avoidable.
Even animals in the wild express a sense of cooperation with and protection of their young and the females of their species. Rape—though it exists—is a rarity in the animal kingdom. We don’t see animals raping, dominating and abusing the females. What would happen to their species, their clans and herds if they behaved like this? Have we become more barbaric… less instinctually aware of the destructive implications of such a lack of reverence for essential, vital members of our societies than the animals of our planet? I believe we have.
Tremendous inroads have been made by the women’s movement over the last forty years. Extraordinary people are working hard to get women into government, management and decision making positions with equal pay, to retain and expand the freedoms regarding our bodies and to change the world view and responsibility of child care in our society. The masculine, hierarchical powers-that-be show little to no understanding of what’s inherently imbalanced about the lack of women’s rights and are not changing things quickly enough. The way we’ve been fighting for our rightful place in society has created tremendous progress, but we’ve reached a plateau. Our current tactics are generally masculine in nature, intended to infiltrate the current social and economic systems. It requires us to conform to and work within unhealthy systems as we try to create significant, radical, healthy change. It’s difficult to change the world this way. We cannot continue to settle for incrementally ratcheting up an old jalopy when we need a graceful, agile and powerful wild horse to take us where we want and need to go.
I’m tired of talking about women’s rights in terms of money and equal pay. Yes, this is a very important issue, but I view that more as a symptom of a much deeper malady. We have to start where things went off the rails. There is no amount of money that can be offered women for our unparalleled endowment to humanity. It’s not an issue of money. It’s an issue of truth. It’s an issue of Divine Order. It’s an issue of right relationship. It’s an issue of dignity and reverence, and I speak of the dignity of every human being. If the innate reverence for the female capacity to birth is not cultivated and held sacred within every Soul gracing this planet, humanity is no more than a heartless machine in denial of the unique miracle each and every human life is. Human Beings are one of the most incredible creations on this planet and only through women—physically—do we each arrive here.
This is a power issue, but not in the way we’ve been discussing it. Within most current systems and power structures, one of the main premises is that people with the most responsibility have the most say. Women wield full responsibility for birthing humanity through our bodies, into our lives and yet our immeasurable and undeniable contribution has been denied. It makes sense using this premise that women have not only equal authority over decisions about how our civilization conducts itself but primary authority in this domain. Women's responsibility by nature is 'unsharable'. I declare by virtue of the ordained responsibility women carry on behalf of humanity, that our authority is immutable.
Right now the popular view is that men have most of the power and they need to change that dynamic. They need to invite women into important arenas and value what we have to say and contribute. This would be ideal but we can see that the patriarchal system and those who endeavor to keep it in place are not eager to acknowledge women's rightful position which would require an equal and shared responsibility for governing our precious societies around the world and as a collective civilization. Empowerment resides in our ability as women to educate and elevate ourselves first. Then we can educate others about how we expect to be treated and why it’s important for everyone. And when our demeanor changes, everything changes, be it in our individual lives or within all female lives around the world.
I subscribe to Buckminster Fuller’s observation… “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
The new model I propose is to consciously and thoroughly cultivate the Nobility of Women. We need to be ourselves, to come to terms with and embolden and express our nature no matter what domain we’re in. We need to re-member, claim and embody the immeasurable commitment it takes to give birth, whether we decide to birth or not. We need to stop defending and cajoling on the subject of equality and rather acknowledge and claim what is ours. We need to get ourselves in right relationship with our contribution to humanity and re-educate the entire population of the world. It's time for some tough love... it's time to put patriarchy in the corner on a chair for a time out. On a sweeping scale... suppression of the female is not working for any of us.
Reclaiming and embodying the nobility that we carry as women is a huge step that carries tremendous power… our power. I invite you to join me and resonate with the deep, divine wisdom of our nobility… Welcome it into your heart, into your body, into your life. Let it seep through any self doubt, melting and soothing any and all feeling of confusion, anger and disappointment. Allow it to redirect frustration about the systems and world we live in. Let it be the spark and fuel which ignites us to re-claim The Nobility of Women.
Sit with and gestate what's been shared here. Talk about it with the women in your life. Come back and share with me your thoughts and insights. I can’t wait to see and hear how this conversation evolves with your engagement!
With all my heart, Shane